Political Behavior Not Respectful of American History. Warren Buffett was quoted in Andrew Ross Sorkin’s New York Times Dealbook column today as saying “If somebody bought Berkshire Hathaway in 1965 and they held it, they made a great investment, and their broker would have starved to death,” As Sorkin points out, “Buffett was lamenting the…
By: Kate Fassett I was filled with disappointment as I read these comments, as just days earlier my news feeds were filled with positive messages thanking and honoring our veterans and active service members and just a week earlier encouraging people to get to the polls and vote. The question I want pose is this:…
“A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing, always be closing.”, Blake, Glengarry Glen Ross In his famous (and colorful) speech in Glengarry Glen Ross, Alec Baldwin’s character Blake extols the necessary virtue of closing a sale. The same can be said about a good campaign. Good campaigns strive for something that is going to make…
A play on an old saying: “Those who can, govern. Those who can’t, join a think tank.” Not too long ago, the State of Arizona was facing a financial cliff like no other state in the nation. After years of overspending and living beyond her means, Governor Napolitano skipped town and never looked back. Saddled…
Wall Street Journal: GOP Mobilizes Forces as Arizona Senate Race Tightens Outside political trackers have declared the race a tossup. “All of a sudden, this is a real race,” said Chuck Coughlin, who heads a Phoenix-based Republican political consulting firm…Mr. Flake will have to overcome Dr. Carmona’s “fairly compelling narrative,” as well as his appeal…