Nearly 30% remain undecided as outside Special Interests spend funds to influence the regulatory race PHOENIX (October 20, 2016)— In the same poll of likely Arizona General Election voters that showed Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton with a 2 point lead and U.S. Senator John McCain with a 10 point lead, 29.4% of the Arizona…
Proposition 205 just shy of 50% of the vote, Proposition 206 slightly stronger with 54% PHOENIX (October 18, 2016)— In a poll of likely Arizona General Election voters, conducted on October 14th as ballots hit mailboxes, Proposition 205 (initiative regarding the regulation and taxation of marijuana) has a slim lead over its opposition, but is…
As early voting begins, Clinton leads Trump by 2 points and McCain has a commanding 10 point lead over Kirkpatrick PHOENIX (October 17, 2016)— In a recent statewide poll of likely Arizona General Election voters conducted on October 14th, Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton has pulled ahead of Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump, 38.5% to…
According to CNN, over 80 million people watched last night’s first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Secretary Clinton, a record-setting number that shows a heightened interest in the spectacle the 2016 election has become. Whether you sided with either one of the candidates or haven’t quite made up your mind yet, participating in elections…
During the course of a public discussion this week, I was posed a question about what we should expect from the Presidential Debate this coming Monday. My response adhered to my belief that this is Secretary Clinton’s race to lose. The difference, I explained, will come down to how she handles the gravitational negativism –…