Earlier this week, the New York Times printed an editorial entitled “An Exodus in Our Own Backyard”, criticizing the Obama Administration over its domestic treatment of refugees fleeing violence in Central America. The piece stated, “President Obama has spoken of them with sympathy. But he and his Homeland Security secretary, Jeh Johnson have done far…
Yesterday’s New York Times piece lifted the national veil on Arizona’s dark secret: our state is ground zero for efforts to expand the use of Dark Money – undisclosed political contributions – to influence state and local races. This past session, Secretary of State Michele Reagan and her Elections Director Eric Spencer authored legislation, Senate…
As ballot returns started to come in last night, it became clear that Proposition 123 is headed to a photo finish. In recent weeks, other surveys had claimed that the proposal was in a strong position with 59.7% support in one push button poll. Another survey declared that Prop 123 was headed to a “big…
As early ballot voting is underway for Proposition 123, many school districts and education supporters are deep in the midst of considering potential overrides and bonds for later this year. The deadline for referring items to the November 2016 General Election is fast approaching. For some, November has been the plan all along, and for…
My Turn – Arizona Republic, Tuesday, April 26th As parents we often encourage our children to do better. Typically, that is a hard message to deliver – we love our kids and we want to encourage them, but we cannot be overly enthusiastic or negative about mediocre work. I can remember many times be it…