Do Republicans really need a greater wake up call than what former Governor and current Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Current Attorney General and Gubernatorial hopeful Terry Goddard gave us this past week? Our former Governor Janet Napolitano spent the state to the near brink of fiscal insolvency before skipping town and taking…
Apparently, some campaigns are in need of a federal set aside program for substantive political rhetoric. The latest missive from the floundering gaggle of wannabes and couldabeens fails to recognize the fact that the current governor has a wide range of supporters who agree with her on some issues and disagree with her on others. …
FROM CQ WEEKLY VANTAGE POINT Oct. 26, 2009 – Page 2431 Is Technology a Way Through the Traffic? By Colby Itkowitz, CQ Staff When she was secretary of Transportation, for the final 27 months of the Bush administration, Mary E. Peters angered Congress by using some discretionary highway money at her disposal for a program…
It shouldn’t be a surprise today that politicos will attempt to assign blame to Kevin Tyne, but the reality is that Kevin was an equal to any Chief of Staff who has served any previous Arizona Governor. The Governor has never blinked from the challenge. Her very difficult choice to elevate Eileen Klein is yet…
As we start into the season where candidates will be announcing their intentions for the 2010 elections, we wanted to take this opportunity to mention our list of questions that you should answer in our “So You want to be a Candidate” section. Before you decide to run, you should have clear and concise answers…