The election post mortems have been steadily streaming in since November 2012. As we look to next year’s midterms, Republicans retain a significant amount of bitterness over the defeats digested in the last 12 months. The Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, and the election defeat of Mitt Romney are not left in the past, instead,…
In case you missed it, conservative columnist Robert Robb wrote about the fiscal risks that face the State of Arizona if the legislature ignores its obligation to restore coverage to those at or below the Federal Poverty Level under Proposition 204. Robb writes, “Even if the federal government were willing to continue current funding for…
Majority of Ahwatukee, Laveen Voters Also Want Freeway Built In a sample of 400 likely voters, 64.3 percent favored building the new route on Pecos Road and through South Mountain Park as a way to relieve traffic congestion on the regional freeway system and reduce Valley air pollution. Only 19.6 percent either opposed or thought…
The nominations are out for the Arizona Capitol Times 2013 Best of the Capitol and we are asking for your help. Please take the time to vote for HighGround in a couple of categories: 12. Best Lobbyist Male: Doug Cole 19. Best Power Broker: Doug Cole 20. Best Political Operative: Chuck Coughlin Click here to…
Our President visited Mexico this past week and gave an optimistic, sunny speech in which he said, “I have come to Mexico because it is time to put old mindsets aside. It’s time to recognize new realities, including the impressive progress in today’s Mexico. For even as Mexicans continue to make courageous sacrifices for the…