In case you missed it, conservative columnist Robert Robb wrote about the fiscal risks that face the State of Arizona if the legislature ignores its obligation to restore coverage to those at or below the Federal Poverty Level under Proposition 204.
Robb writes, “Even if the federal government were willing to continue current funding for the frozen population or a Prop. 204 restoration, it would cost the state more than Brewer’s proposal and cover fewer people. What’s the sense in that? And if the state ends up having to comply with the Prop. 204 mandate without federal funds, the cost would be $1.4 billion a year. That’s a much bigger risk than the risk of being left holding the bag if the federal government reneges on Obamacare’s Medicaid funding commitments.”
Read the article for yourself.
As we said in our “Do the Math” video over a month ago, if Arizona chooses to go it alone, the state will be left holding the bag, draining the rainy day fund and potentially taking even more general fund money from education and public safety.
Robert Robb is right: “Opponents of Gov. Jan Brewer’s Medicaid expansion proposal are recklessly minimizing the risk to the state’s fisc of not participating.”