From campaign strategy to breakthrough messaging to media and direct mail execution, our team can manage the campaign process from start to finish. When it comes to managing high profile elections as the lead consultant, our team has what it takes to win. We have also provided consulting services and performed surveys and for clients on a wide variety of statewide and local campaigns. Here are some examples of success on statewide and regional issues:
Yes on 449 – 2020
Proposition 449 was a countywide referendum to renew the Maricopa County Special Health Care District tax levy (originally passed in 2003) for another 20 years. Passing the proposition meant continued funding for Arizona Burn Center, Valleywise Health Medical Center, Valleywise Community Health Centers, Behavioral health centers, and one of the largest teaching hospitals in Maricopa County. Despite a crowded election, a limited budget, and concerns related to Covid-19, HighGround rallied community support, a significant number of ballot arguments, and a strong social media effort to pass Proposition 449 with 54.9% of the vote.

Invest in Phoenix – 2019
Propositions 105 and 106 were citizen’s initiatives crafted by out of state forces to attack the City of Phoenix’s transit system and budget process. Proposition 105 proposed banning any future construction of light rail in the City of Phoenix. Proposition 106 would have implemented and investment cap aimed at forcing Phoenix to pay off long-term pension debt with immediate revenue at the expense of all non-public safety related items. HighGround was a part of the campaign consulting team assisting with strategic messaging, outreach, and survey research. Ultimately, both issues were defeated – Prop 105 failed by 62.9% no and Prop 106 with 66.8% opposition.

Yes on Question 2 – 2018
In 2016, voters in traditionally conservative Mesa soundly rejected Question 1 – a sales tax increase to fund hiring of more public safety officers and Arizona State University (managed by a different consultant). Two years later, the Yes for Mesa Public safety campaign was relaunched as an effort spearheaded by police and fire organizations to add a ¼ cent sales tax to hire more public safety officers. Our team was able to overcome a crowded ballot, with five other tax increases, to win with 53.0% in this traditionally conservative city.

Yes for West-MEC – 2016
Western Maricopa Education Center District (West-MEC) is a public school district that supports 24,000 students from 40 high schools throughout northern and western Maricopa County. Our team was instrumental in the passage of bonds in 2016 and 2012 to build new technical school facilities, renovate current facilities, purchase land for additional school sites and equip these facilities to offer additional career and technical education programs. While other bonds and overrides failed, Yes for West-MEC passed in a heavily Republican environment.

Yes on Proposition 480 – 2014
Proposition 480 was a countywide billion-dollar bond issue to help Maricopa Integrated Health System to fulfill its mission of teaching as well as providing quality health care to all, including our first responders and the most vulnerable. The bond supported the Arizona Burn Center; increased behavioral health for the seriously mentally ill; and improved Maricopa County’s public teaching hospital which trains many of the doctors, nurses, and medical professionals who serve our community. Our team successfully managed the campaign and helped fundraise over $1.4 million in support of the bond initiative. The bond passed in the November General Election with 63.4% of the vote in a very conservative election cycle.

Yes on Proposition 100 – 2010
Worked with Governor Brewer’s office, business, and education leaders to pass a budget that contained a mix of cuts, borrowing, and temporary revenue. The temporary one cent budget measure was referred to the voters as Proposition 100 in May of 2010. Our team assisted as a consultant for messaging, strategy, and mail in their efforts. Proposition 100 passed with 64.3% of the vote.

Stop Lawsuit Abuse – 2008
Proposition 201, the so-called “Homeowners Bill of Rights” initiative, was backed by out of state unions and trial lawyers to substantially change home warranties, the way home defects are handled, and litigation surrounding home repairs. The proposal would have prohibited two parties from agreeing to resolve their disputes on their own, prevent recovering fees in frivolous lawsuits, and allow “prospective buyers” to file lawsuits. HighGround provided the campaign with strategic messaging and media relations. Ultimately, Prop 201 was defeated with 78.0% of the electorate voting no.

Yes on Proposition 103 – 2006
Our team successfully managed Proposition 103 – the “Official English” referendum placed on ballot by the Arizona State Legislature. The proposal sought to replace the existing provision of the Constitution of Arizona with a new provision establishing English as the official language of this state. The issue overwhelmingly passed by 74.2%.

Yes on Proposition 400 – 2004
In 2004, HighGround successfully managed the passage of Maricopa County’s Proposition 400. The ½ cent transportation sales tax continuation plan had the added challenge of requiring legislative approval of the plan prior to going to the ballot in 2004. Prop 400 passed with a 57% victory in the November 2004 general election.

No on Proposition 202 – 2000
Our team worked with the Arizona Association of Realtors to organize Realtors and the development industry throughout Arizona to successfully defeat the Sierra Club’s Proposition 202, the Growth Management Initiative. Proposition 202 was overwhelmingly defeated with 70.2% of the electorate voting no.

Yes on Proposition 303 – 1998
Our team lobbied to successfully to pass legislation creating the Arizona Growing Smarter Act and successfully managed the passage of Proposition 303, the Preserve Arizona Initiative in 1998. This is the last public land management campaign to gain voter approval in modern Arizona history. The proposal passed with 53.3% of the vote.

Yes on Proposition 102 – 1996
Our team worked as the principal consultant on the juvenile justice initiative. The law required that 15-17 year old juveniles who were charged with murder, armed robbery or rape to be remanded to adult court. Proposition 102 passed with 63.2% Yes.

- Yes on 449 – Yes for Valleywise
- Mesa Question 1 – Streets Bond
- Tanque Verde Unified School District Bond
- Dysart Unified School District Override
- Peoria Unified School District Override
- Mesa Unified School District Override
- Agua Fria Union High School District Bond
- Avondale Elementary School District Override
- No on 105 and 106
- Yes on Question 2 – Mesa Public Safety
- Buckeye Valley Fire District Bond
- Sun City Fire District Bond
- Safer Surprise – Questions 1, 2, 3
- Litchfield Elementary School District Override
- Agua Fria Union High School District Override
- Lord for Mayor
- Meck for Mayor
- Yes on Proposition 494, 495, and 496 (Peoria Charter)
- Weise for Mayor
- Carlat for Mayor
- Yes for West-MEC Bond (2016)
- Yes on 104 – Move Phx
- Yes on 480 – MIHS Bond
- Litchfield Elementary School District Bond
- Mook for Mayor
- LeVault for Mayor
- Hickman for Supervisor
- Avondale Elementary School District Bond
- Yes for West-MEC (2012)
- Yes on Question 1- Mesa Streets and Public Safety Bond
- Wolcott for Mayor
- Salmon for Congress
- Yes on 420 – Keep the Cubs in Mesa
- John Nelson, Arizona State Senate
- Rich Crandall, Arizona State Senate
- Steve Urie, Arizona House of Representatives
- Heather Carter, Arizona House of Representatives
- Yes on 300 – Gaylord Resort
- Yes on Proposition 411 – Paradise Valley Ritz Carlton
- Yes on Question 1 – Mesa Public Safety Bond
- Yes on Question 2 – Mesa Street Improvement Bond
- Yes on Question 2 – School Bond – Buckeye
- Yes on Question 3 – Budget Override – Buckeye
- Max Wilson for County Supervisor
- Scott Smith for Mayor of Mesa
- Yes on 300 – Waveyard
- Yes on Question 1 – Yes for Mesa Sales Tax
- Yes on Proposition 3 – Phoenix Education Bond Issue
- Yes on 300, 301, and 302 – Mesa Riverview
- No on 100 – Protect Flagstaff’s Future
- Yes on 400 – Regional Transportation Plan
- Yes on Prop. 414 – Maricopa County Health District
- Yes on Prop. 401 – Sam’s Club Gas Gilbert
- Yes on Prop. 401 – Cottonwood Retail Project
- Yes on Prop. 402 – Cottonwood Retail Project
- Yes on Prop. 300 – Wal-Mart Mesa
- Yes on Prop. 400 – Wal-Mart Casa Grande
- Brewer for Supervisor
- Bruner for Supervisor
- Maricopa Road Bond Election
- Numerous independent expenditure campaigns
- Yes on 100
- Governor Jan Brewer 2010
- Joe Hart for State Mine Inspector 2010, 2014, 2018
- No on 201 – Stop Lawsuit Abuse
- Re-Elect Brewer for Secretary of State 2006
- Yes on 103
- Brewer for Secretary of State 2002
- Fife Symington for Governor (Run-off)
- Re-Election of Governor Fife Symington
- Stop Juvenile Crime Initiative — Yes on Prop. 102
- Bayless for Secretary of State
- Preserve Arizona — Yes on Prop. 303
- Yes on Prop. 105 – Don’t Tax Graves
- No on Prop. 202 – Citizens Growth Management Initiative
- McCain 2000 – Arizona Presidential Primary
- Arizonans for Official English
- Martin Luther King Holiday Campaign
- Arizona Republican Party ’96