By: Ryan Smith Tonight’s first debate between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney kicks off the final stretch of this long Presidential Cycle. Much of the campaign has gone as predicted but there are some things you can predict, and some you just have to wait to play out. The “Obama Voter” is likely one…
As we said last week, now is the time when gaps typically close in the election cycle. Recent surveys may have had a variety of results, but they have all shown this trend. In the race for President and United States Senate in Arizona, we believe that the gaps have closed significantly. Just two weeks…
For many years, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors have been a consistent voice for fiscal responsibility and a source of strong leadership. They righted the County’s fiscal ship, cutting the budget, maintaining low taxes, eliminating debt, and finding ways to do more with less. Supervisors Max Wilson and Andy Kunasek have been at the…
By: Paul Bentz There is still a lot of the game to be played, but Carmona certainly has a much better shot of winning in Arizona than Obama. Both surveys are probably right in their trends of how the electorate is moving, typically this the time of the year where the gaps close. However, both…
The Wall Street Journal has posted some remarks of “What Romney Might Have Said” following the “secret video” release. We’ll take it a step further and say that this is exactly what Romney SHOULD have said on Monday night when he hastily called a news conference to address the video. Our question is why didn’t…