Though out his time in office, Supervisor Andy Kunasek has been a strong voice for fiscal responsibility and standing up for what is right. Along with Supervisor Max Wilson, they have been the steady hands guiding Maricopa County through some tumultuous times, always with an eye on protecting the taxpayer. They have been able to…
David Brooks is a favorite around here for his ability to apply real observations about human behavior to politics and inspiring us to do better. In today’s article, “The Creative Monopoly,” Brooks discusses the trap of competitiveness standing in the way of real leadership and innovation. where can i buy an essay online Brooks writes,…
New York Times profiled Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, a bright GOP light, a leader focused on solving problems. Just as “Imported from Detroit” has helped lead the auto industry back, Governor Snyder’s focus on solutions over partisanship has lead Michigan’s recovery. Click here to read the article. Though he receives criticism from both the right…
This year marks the 16th year of operation of HighGround, Inc. Beyond that, many of our team members have been in the Arizona public policy arena for more than 20 years. We are proud of what we have been able to accomplish working together with elected officials as well as business and community leaders. We…
Get your appetite ready and mark your calendars for Phoenix’s first ever Chile Pepper Festival hosted by Roosevelt Row. On September 29, 2012, Roosevelt Row CDC will kickoff the first-annual Roosevelt Row Chile Pepper Festival. The Festival will highlight Phoenix food culture with the Southwest’s favorite vegetable, the chile pepper, and will showcase some of…