The Arizona Republic headline today couldn’t have been better: “Sick of your Arizona election choices? Then change how we get them.”
Many of us are less than inspired by the choices on our ballot these days. With 80% of Congressional and Legislative races being decided in the primary elections, the system is clearly broken. General election voters don’t matter in Districts that are either a safe D or safe R. Most voters don’t have a choice. Its like we are shopping in a Soviet-era grocery store, with two aisles and very few products on the shelves.
Prop 140 changes that and ensures that no candidate can win an election in a primary and everyone will have a competitive election in November. Massive change? No, that’s how it’s currently done in nearly every city and town in Arizona when electing our Mayors and Council members.
As the Arizona Republic editorial succinctly points out:
“It’s time to restore some sanity in our politics, and to do so we must begin by changing a primary system that has encouraged – and favored – the most extreme candidates.”
It’s time to change Arizona elections by passing Prop 140, the “Make Elections Fair Act” on the November 5 ballot! Learn more: