Over the past year, it has been our honor to work with the David Wright House in Arcadia and its supporters throughout the community. Together, we have worked to preserve and restore the House, celebrate the last residential masterpiece designed by the great Frank Lloyd Wright, and inspire the next generation of artists and architects in Arizona.
We are inviting Phoenicians to visit the David Wright House and experience the magical Christmas tree lighting and holiday display on the property this Thursday, Friday, or Saturday evening in a series of Holiday Open Houses.
The House will be open at 5:00 pm for attendees to experience student-based choral performances and enjoy complimentary hot chocolate. We are looking forward to having the community join with us in celebrating Phoenix’s holiday spirit!
Recently, the Phoenix Boys Choir spent an evening at the House performing Christmas carols. Please take a moment to watch the video below. If you are interested in attending, please visit www.davidwrighthouse.org to RSVP for one of this week’s Holiday Open Houses: