For the last several years, HighGround has supported and respected St. Vincent DePaul for their incredible work in serving the homeless and vulnerable population in Arizona.
One of the programs they oversee is a Rent Assistance program where they are able to prevent homelessness through one-time rent assistance to vulnerable families and individuals. This has been an incredibly effective program throughout their existence and, as the COVID-19 pandemic caused record job loss, St. Vincent DePaul saw an opportunity to help in a substantial way.
We are so pleased to see that Governor Ducey has granted $250,000 to St. Vincent DePaul to supplement their Rent Assistance program to prevent homelessness for thousands of Arizonans during this crisis.
With the combined letter writing efforts of President Fann, Speaker Bowers, Senator Kate Brophy McGee and House Speaker Pro-Tempore TJ Shope working alongside St. Vincent DePaul’s Steve Zabilski, vulnerable families in Arizona are going to get the help they need when the eviction moratorium expires in July.
Thank you Governor Ducey and everyone involved for making this happen!