A common motto of the world scouting movement is “to leave this world a little better than you found it.” Robert Brinton, President and CEO of the Mesa Convention and Visitors Bureau passed from us this past Friday, October 21. Robert left Arizona a better place for us all and we are all better to have known and worked with Robert.
There are some people in this world that involve themselves in so many things, that it becomes difficult to label them. President, CEO, Bishop, husband, dad, Chairman, Board Member, booster, Man of the Year, cheerleader, fan, Big Ho and friend are just a few things Robert Brinton has ben called over the years. Robert was larger than all of those titles combined though.
Robert was an iconic leader because he wasn’t involved for the title; he was involved to make a difference. From keeping the Cubs, to bringing a world class resort to Mesa, to making sure Arizona was a place everyone wanted to visit, Robert just wanted the best for his hometown and his state. Never controversial, but always in the news, he was always working to spread his good cheer, he was one of Mesa’s foremost ambassadors.
The State of Arizona will reap the benefits of Robert’s hard work for generations to come. The Cactus League is stronger than it has ever been, the Cubs will continue to call Mesa their home, and the tourism industry will continue to be a staple in our great state, all in part because Robert Brinton was involved.
There are countless ways such a great man could be honored. Stadiums, baseball fields and awards could be named after him and all would be appropriately fitting to honor a guy like Robert. His greatness though, is that he would likely be uncomfortable if he were here to see it. He selflessly gave his time and efforts because he loved his community and continuously worked to make it a better place. We are honored to have worked with Robert and we are eternally grateful for the legacy that he left behind.
Robert Brinton left a State, a City, a community, a church, and his family better than he found them. Robert will be missed.