As we are all aware, Arizona’s boycott is being driven largely by the Service Employees International Union. They disagree with Arizona’s immigration law and have been outspoken proponents of “comprehensive immigration reform.” You may also recall that President Obama once told the SEIU that “Your agenda is my agenda.” See the video for yourself.
Now, in today’s Wall Street Journal, it is revealed that a public-employee union is now leading the way in independent expenditures in this election outpacing even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Here is the complete chart:
You can see that the in addition to American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the SEIU is also on the list spending over $44 million to help their candidates across the country. Notice how the union spending has increased significantly in President Obama’s election cycle and has stayed at this accelerated pace to try to stave off the Republican onslaught.
We’ll see how it works in other parts of the country, but in Arizona, the enthusiasm gap is real with Republicans outpacing Dems 44% to 34% in Early Ballot returns.