Over the past year, we’ve too often seen the discussion over health care reform devolve into partisan posturing and substance-free debate. Instead of following regular order and finding a bipartisan solution to the flaws in our current system, Senate Republicans have made the same mistake Democrats made in 2010 by attempting to jam through a bill just to secure a political victory.
Fortunately, our state’s Senior Senator has stood tall and displayed the principled leadership we need more of in Congress. Senator John McCain put Arizona first by demanding a return to regular order and finding a bipartisan fix to a broken system. The Graham-Cassidy bill would have had a disastrous effect on Arizonans who need coverage the most and set back the progress we have made as a state.
We are proud to stand with Senator John McCain demanding Congress returns to regular order to fix our health care system and we join the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association and many other Arizona health care providers in thanking him for his work.