From the New York Times, we see yet another sign that the Obama administration is not serious about enforcing our immigration laws. Under the threat of certain states opting out, they are making changes to the Secure Communities data sharing program which requires people who are arrested to put their fingerprints into a national data base.
Advisory panels, memos, and “discretion” all but give the states the ability to opt out without formally having to do so. Yet, the Obama administration insists that the program is still “mandatory.” Meanwhile, in Arizona, the Federal Government is coming down with the full force of the law trying to sue to make the state comply.
Their actions once again are admitting they are not serious about enforcement. If they were serious about the Secure Communities program they would apply the same force to these states as they are to Arizona. Instead, they will remove the teeth and allow the law to become ineffective.
Meanwhile, the people who immigrate legally are being punished for playing by the rules. If you can opt out of the rule, why obey the rule?